Understanding Why Liars Lie

Everyone lies to an extent. Most of us lie regularly and don’t even realize it, whether it’s to protect yourself from getting hurt or out of concern for another’s feelings. This kind of lying is accepted as a social norm by society, for better or worse. But for those who take lying to an unacceptable […]

Counter Surveillance Could Protect You & Yours

It’s one thing to set up surveillance to catch a significant other cheating, or an employee stealing. But what if someone has set up surveillance without your knowledge and is watching you? Tiny cameras, key logs and microphone bugs are all ways someone could track what you do, where you go and what you say. […]

Cheaters; Latest Studies

According to the latest study published in The American Sociological Review, Men or women who are totally economically dependent on their partners are more likely to have an affair than couples who both contribute financially to the relationship. With men who are exclusively dependent on  woman, the probability of acting out, with a third party, increases […]

Red Flags for cheater victims

There is nothing that can absolutely keep you from being a victim of domestic deceit. Relationships are all different. Cultures are are different. Families of origin are different. Men and women are different. But there are many signs (or red flags), that are the same, in many cases, which can help you to develop behavioral […]

Taking up the slack

Taking up the slack where law enforcement left off For some time now, the Private Investigation Industry has been called upon take up the slack where law enforcement has left off. Many times, when a burglary occurs a victim is encouraged to file a report over the phone or when the police arrive they take […]

School Shootings

School shootings so far anyway, have been holding pretty much to the same pattern. A student gets upset with fellow students, the leadership, his home life, him self or people in general. He takes a gun to school and it becomes an active shooter scenario. Isn’t this the same scenario that takes place in a […]